In most cases, it’s
very easy for different individuals to write an argumentative essay topic. This
is from the fact that there are no restrictions which a given writer
is required to follow in writing this kind of an essay. The essay
topics can come from a variety of sources for instance the internet,
research books or the general ideas from an individual.
However, it’s
very necessary for a writer to choose a very simple essay topic which
can be easily researched. In most cases, very complex essay topics
are not in a position to have relevant materials which can be used to
draft the final draft of the paper. Writing materials for such essays
are mainly sourced from the internet which at times is very
expensive. In addition, most of the writers are not always in a
position to access computers with internet connection. As a result,
the quality of the written essay is usually very poor.
As different
as fingerprints are for each person even for twins so are opinions
everyone has his own and this makes it difficult for people most
times to agree on something as they all have different ideas of what
should be done about what and this leads to conflict of ideas and
persons and this leads to arguments. The diversity of people lead
them to stand on different grounds when dealing with something or a
situation, and an essay topic of an argumentative essay is one that
should show the different stands within the topic an essay that shows
only one side of the topic is not an argumentative essay its simply
just an essay. For an essay to be considered a good argumentative
essay it must show strongly all the different opinions that come up
in the essay topic.